//This method creates a batch file in given location for given db credentials. Here script1.sql is sql script file.
private void createbatch(string filepath,string filename,string dbname,string dbserver,string dbuser,string dbpwd)
string scriptfile1="\"script1.sql\"";
string path = filepath + "\\" + filename;
string text = @"@echo off";
text += "\r\n";
text += "\r\n";
text += @"REM **** start: database configuration details where you would like to create views ***** ";
text += "\r\n";
text += @"SET PMVIEWS_DATABASE=" + dbname;
text += "\r\n";
text += @"SET PMVIEWS_DB_SERVER=" + dbserver;
text += "\r\n";
text += @"SET PMVIEWS_DB_USER=" + dbuser;
text += "\r\n";
text += @"SET PMVIEWS_DB_PWD=" + dbpwd;
text += "\r\n";
text += @"REM **** end: database configuration details where you would like to create views ***** ";
text += "\r\n";
text += "\r\n";
text += @"Sqlcmd -S %PMVIEWS_DB_SERVER% -d %PMVIEWS_DATABASE% -U %PMVIEWS_DB_USER% -P %PMVIEWS_DB_PWD% -i " + scriptfile1 + "";
text += "\r\n";
using (StreamWriter strwr = File.AppendText(path))
//This method runs given batch file. Make sure that this batch file and sql script file contains in same folder.
private void ExecuteBatch(string strFilePath)
string fullPath = Directory.GetParent(strFilePath).FullName;
// Create the ProcessInfo object
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe");
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
psi.RedirectStandardInput = true;
psi.RedirectStandardError = true;
psi.WorkingDirectory = fullPath;// strPath;
// Start the process
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi);
// Open the batch file for reading
System.IO.StreamReader strm = System.IO.File.OpenText(strFilePath);
// Attach the output for reading
System.IO.StreamReader sOut = proc.StandardOutput;
// Attach the in for writing
System.IO.StreamWriter sIn = proc.StandardInput;
// Write each line of the batch file to standard input
while (strm.Peek() != -1)
// Exit CMD.EXE
string stEchoFmt = "# {0} run successfully. Exiting";
sIn.WriteLine(String.Format(stEchoFmt, strFilePath));
// Close the process
//this.AfterInstall += new InstallEventHandler(ServiceInstaller_AfterInstall);